Debbie Seagle lives in a small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia near most of the things and people she loves: family, friends, kayaking, hiking, snow & water skiing, horseback riding, sunshine, dirt and mountain air.
She has directed 5 air shows and numerous international events, authored three different newspaper columns, and wined a lot. She found happiness and contentment, despite losing a son, mother, brother, and dear friends. Debbie survived a brain aneurysm, learned to fly, castrated a calf, climbed Angel’s Landing, won a state beauty pageant, and wrote Top Secret proposals for government operations.
Her childhood dream was fulfilled when Davy Jones of the Monkees sang to her at a concert (after she was taller than Davy).
You may wonder how she woke up one day, alone, in a remote cabin in the mountains with nothing to put into the dishwasher but coffee cups and wine glasses? (Divorce can do that to you.) Her book Coffee Cups & Wine Glasses explains everything.
Dabbles from Debbie:
Learning the obscure art of humility led me to pursue the hope of getting my Life Back. Well, humility AND learning to juggle (juggling is still a dream). The point is… never take most anything I say too seriously. I’m just having fun and sharing outrageous inspiration for you to do the same!
29 Random Facts About Me
1. I almost changed my last name to Webby after divorce so people could introduce me as Debby Webby. I’m still considering it.
2. I’ve jumped out of an airplane 3 times (with a parachute).
3. My silly locker mate nicknamed me Silly. It stuck.
4. My Indian name is “Little Whirlwind.”
5. I played the clarinet in the high school concert band.
6. Colonel Sanders touched my boob.
7. Don Hoe grabbed my butt.
8. Bill Clinton winked at me.
9. I had lunch with Nicholas Sparks. He talked to me.
10. I hung out all day with Jeff Foxworthy (once). He signed my sign.
11. Davy Jones & I spent a day at his horse stall. He sang a song to me.
12. I still sometimes twirl a fire baton.
13. I was married to a US Marine and moved 42 times.
14. I’ve lived in 4 different countries and 4 US states.
15. I’ve been engaged 3 times, and married once (for 30 years). I’m probably doing something wrong.
16. My first dog died on my lap when I was 6, after Mrs. Lester ran over him.
17. Bananas make my throat itch.
18. I have mastered the kazoo.
19. I’ve been interviewed on TV and radio 72 times.
20. I’ve been to Camp David twice.
21. I planned an international gala ball in the Eiffel Tower.
22. I have 3 sons and 8 grandchildren (so far).
23. I once could do back walkovers on a balance beam.
24. I call my bathroom The Jim. I go to The Jim every morning!
25. I spoke French fluently when I moved from Paris. I know 5 words now.
26. I’ve touched 4 US Presidents (I shook their hands, ok?).
27. I’m an expert fitted-sheet folder.
28. I love my truck.